Tonight there is a National Moment of Silence being organized for Mike Brown and other victims. Will this do any good? I don't know, but I want to think so. Why do I want to participate in this? Because I am outraged. Because I can't comprehend this. Because I need to be one of the people that stands beside Mr Brown's family, friends, neighbors and community to say that HE MATTERED. That what happened to him was NOT ok. I want to see something change.
Would this two minute pause from our routine be able to accomplish any of that? Maybe - maybe not. I think it can show solidarity for Mr Brown and his family. If enough people show up, it can show the politicians that this issue is important to us.
Where we need to follow through though, is with our votes. Now is the time to pay attention to who does lip service to justice and who actually DOES SOMETHING to start to improve things.
Voters need to take notes and remember who they want in positions of authority when the elections roll around. Money talks, and it's about the only thing the authorities listen to. Votes = money. If only we voters would take it seriously and not be led around like a puppy on a leash - swayed by clever ads and lies. Turn off the channel when political ads run. Don't listen to any of them. Get on your computer and find out exactly what these so-called representatives are voting for and against and make an informed decision. That is what is going to ultimately bring about the changes that you want to see.